Since it’s founding in 1979 by Nasser Mehdizadeh, P&N Construction has provided nationally acclaimed, award winning commercial and residential development throughout Southern California.
Nasser Mehdizadeh who came to Los Angeles in 1978 after graduating from Pahlavi University in Iran with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. His first projects for P&N Construction included luxury condominiums, office complexes and a medical center in Beverly Hills.
Growing quickly, P&N Construction in 1991 recruited Bijan Shahmoradi to serve as Executive Vice President, and then in 1997 it added to its management Sam Rashidi, also in the position of Executive Vice President. Shahmoradi and Rashidi have degrees in engineering.
Under this combined leadership, with its expertise in all the areas of project development, P&N Construction has constructed and remodeled many luxury residential, commercial and industrial spaces. “The Peninsula”, a gated community of 49 luxury ocean-view residences and other projects constructed by P&N Construction, have won awards for excellence in design and management.
The Company performs research and evaluation of the development potential of each property based on in depth experience with commercial, industrial and residential projects. The comprehensive evaluation will determine the optimum use of the property, specify product type and identify the suitable positioning of the property in the marketplace.
Our professional staff along with the help of nationally renowned outside consultants will thoroughly research the relevant information. The work will focus on properties that are most comparable to the subject and also future market needs. The results of our evaluation will form the basis for the financial success of the real estate development in this dynamic real estate market.
When it comes to architectural design, from initial concepts to the final phases of project, our team of designers and engineers build quality into every step of the process.